N.C. Educator Effectiveness System (NCEES)
The NC Educator Effectiveness System includes the professional standards and evaluation processes associated with every educator in NC. Data for the NCEES is captured annually in an online tool and the information is included in the Educator Effectiveness data reported at the state level.
Professional Standards
The North Carolina Educator Evaluation System is built on professional standards for individuals who work in the State’s public schools. All sets of professional standards were developed with the input of professional organizations, district staff members, and representatives from institutions of higher education training programs. Each set of standards captures the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that should be displayed by individuals in that specific role.
Evaluation Instruments and Processes
The standards are the foundation for role-specific evaluation instruments and processes that are used to measure educator performance against established standards, as well as to help staff members grow their skills and knowledge. The expectation is that every professional in North Carolina’s schools should be rated at proficient on the standards of his or her evaluation instrument.
Online Evaluation Tool
The evaluation of teachers and school administrators is housed in an online environment that eliminates the need for paper, streamlines the process, and facilitates the use of data at the school, district, and state level.
The district provides all new educators with in-depth training on the use of the evaluation tool. Refresher/orientaiton training is held at the beginning of each school year prior to observations being conducted.
Click below for the evaluation timeline for teachers and support staff.
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