

Edgecombe County Public Schools is thrilled that you will be joining us in the fall of 2024!

Together, we will work to ensure that every ECPS scholar graduates prepared to design their future, navigate change, and make the world a better place. 

Big dreams inside, infinite possibilities ahead.

WELCOME ROCKY MOUNT FAMILIES!   Edgecombe County Public Schools is thrilled that you will be joining us in the fall of 2024!  Together, we will work to ensure that every ECPS scholar graduates prepared to design their future, navigate change, and make the world a better place.   Big dreams inside, infinite possibilities ahead.

Every student who attends Edgecombe county public schools will have:

  • Whole child experiences

  • Purpose exploration & exposure

  • Powerful learning opportunities

  • Student-led goal setting & reflection

  • Loving, supportive teachers & staff